Full professor in statistics at the Université de Liège (2007-now)
Part-time professor in Bayesian biostatistics at the Université catholique de Louvain (2007-now)
Full time Professor in biostatistics at the Université catholique de Louvain (1999-2006)
Phd in statistics at UHasselt (1995)
Current Phd students:
Hortense DOMS (UCL):
ARC scholarship (2020-2025)
Phd project: Joint models for time-to-event and categorical longitudinal outcomes
Teaching assistant (2009-2015) and consultant in statistics (2015-now)
Phd project: Evaluation of some reinforcements of the stated preference methods using the potential of computer based questionnaires
Oskar LAVERNY (UCLouvain, 2022-August 2023)
Phd in Statistics in 2022 (Univ. of Lyon 1)
ARC scholarship (Oct 2022-August 2023)
Current job: maître de conférence at the Université Aix-Marseille (Marseille, FR)
Gianluca FRASSO (ULiege, 2013-2016):
Phd in statistics in 2013 (Univ. of Naples, Italy)
IAP scholarship (2013- May 2016)
ARC contract (May-August 2016)
Current job: Lead Energy Efficiency Analyst at Samotics (Sofware developer), Leiden (NL).
Jonathan JAEGER (ULiege, 2012-2014)
Phd in statistics in 2012 (Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium)
IAP contract (2012-2014)
Current job: private consultant in statistics, Lausanne (CH).
Past Phd students:
Oswaldo GRESSANI (2020):
Laplace approximations and Bayesian P-splines for statistical inference. UCL, Institut de statistique, biostatistique et sciences actuarielles (ISBA), October 2020 (summary).
Current job: postdoc at UHasselt, Belgium
Vincent BREMHORST (2017)
Flexible Bayesian cure survival models with applications in fertility studies. UCL, Institut de statistique, biostatistique et sciences actuarielles (ISBA), December 2017 (summary).
Current job: pricing actuary at Axa Insurance, Belgium.
Aysun ÇETINYÜREK (2017):
Flexible Bayesian models for interval censored survival data. ULiege, Faculté des sciences, January 2017 (summary).
Current job: senior researcher at Radboud university medical center (Nijmegen, NL).
Jonathan JAEGER (2012):
Functional estimation in systems defined by differential equations using Bayesian smoothing methods. UCL, Institut de statistique, biostatistique et sciences actuarielles (ISBA), September 2012 (summary).
Current job: private consultant in statistics, Lausanne (CH).
Astrid JULLION (2008):
Adaptive Bayesian P-splines models for fitting time-activity curves and estimating associated clinical parameters in Positron Emission Tomography and Pharmacokinetic studies. UCL, Institut de statistique, July 2008 (summary).
Award: Finalist for the Savage Award 2008 of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis
Current job: Director in Statistics at Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research (Basel, CH).
Céline BUGLI (2006)
Satistical tools for the analysis of event-related potentials in electroencephalograms. UCL, Institut de statistique, June 2006 (summary).
Current job: consultant at the Statistics consulting unit (SMCS) of UCLouvain, Belgium.
François VANDENHENDE (2003):
Copula models for the analysis of longitudinal ordinal responses in clinical trials on acute migraine. UCL, Institut de statistique, December 2003.
Current job: director of Proddis (an Artificial Intelligence, Data and Information Science company) ; founder, past CEO and now chairman of the Board of ClinBay.